Do Solar Panels Work in the Rain?

How does rain affect solar panels’ operation? We all know that solar panels work best in the sun, but what about when it’s raining? Here is what you should know about. [toc] Solar panels can generate power from sunlight. Direct sunlight is best, but even indirect sunlight will work. In fact, the rain can help … Read more

Do Solar Panels Attract Lightning Strikes?

Lightning Strikes & How To Protect Solar Arrays? Are you wondering if solar panels attract lightning strikes? Let me answer the question immediately. Neither solar panels nor the metal racking of the panels attracts lightning. Many people assume having electrical equipment installed on the rooftop makes their houses perfect targets for strikes. But there is … Read more

Will Solar Panels Work During a Power Outage?

Can solar panels provide energy during the power outages? People often think installing a PV system is like installing a power production plant that works all the time, no matter what. However, this assumption is not correct. Because there are no guarantees your solar power system will power your home every day all year. Power … Read more

How to Fix a Cracked Solar Panel?

The Best Way To Fix a Broken Solar Panel Solar panel technology is constantly evolving with new innovations being introduced each year to improve efficiency while reducing costs. However, solar modules aren’t invulnerable. There’s always the risk of damage from natural forces such as hail storms or windstorms (and sometimes too much sunshine). [toc] When … Read more