How does rain affect solar panels’ operation?

We all know that solar panels work best in the sun, but what about when it’s raining?
Here is what you should know about.
Solar panels can generate power from sunlight. Direct sunlight is best, but even indirect sunlight will work. In fact, the rain can help your solar panels to work better later on by washing away any dirt and dust on them.
How does rain affect solar panels’ performance?
Solar panel’s energy production efficiency decreases when it rains because water reduces light transmission and blocks sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells.
That being said, it doesn’t mean they won’t ever produce electricity at all. It just means that their production capacity is reduced. As long as there’s at least a little bit of sunlight coming through the clouds, your panels are going to do their job for you.
Solar panels never work at nameplate ratings
Solar panels have nameplate power ratings. This is the amount of power that can be generated at a panel’s maximum energy efficiency, given direct sunlight, and no shade from other panels or buildings.
It is important to understand that solar panels never work at their nameplate ratings.
This means even on the sunniest of days, your system will not be producing as much power as it is mentioned on the nameplate. Because there are always clouds and other factors that make direct sunlight exposure impossible.
Under much less than ideal circumstances, such as an overcast day with intermittent rain but still enough daylight, you should anticipate between 10-25% of the given nameplate capacity.
This means that if you base your calculations solely on the manufacturer’s provided nameplate information, you will be disappointed with the results.
Net Metering Exists For The Rainy Day
If you reside in an area utilizing a net metering plan, the surplus energy your panels produce when it’s sunny will be used to offset the energy you consume during rainy days or when there is insufficient daylight.
So if you have a net metering plan there is nothing in particular for you to worry about.
If you live in an area that doesn’t utilize net metering, then the surplus energy your panels produce when it’s sunny will go to waste.
The only time this is not true is if you have a battery backup system installed on your solar panel array or house that has no utilization limits and can store all of the extra energy for later use.
Type of solar cells makes the difference
Many solar panel buyers are focused on the price and nameplate power output of the panels. However, there is an equally important consideration to take into account. It is the type of cells solar panels are made of.
There are two types of solar cells used for solar panel production. They are n-type and p-type solar cells.
Both types of cells behave distinctly differently and affect solar panel’s performance under low light conditions.
A conventional crystal silicon (c-Si) solar cell is a wafer of silicon with certain chemicals in it to make the cell generate power.
A p-type solar cell uses boron, which has one fewer electron than silicon (makes the cell positively charged). An n-type solar cell uses phosphorus, which has one more electron than silicon (makes the cell negatively charged).
Because n-type cells are less sensitive to boron-oxygen defects, they are more effective and do not experience light-induced degradation when compared with p-type structures. N-type solar cells have longer lifetimes and, offer better performance at low light intensities.
Invest in Anti Reflective Coating
Almost all modern PV system solar cells will come with an anti-reflective coating. This coating decreases the reflection of light, which can increase efficiency by enhancing light transmittance.
Anti-reflective coating also reduces the chance of mirroring and flashing, which can be a safety hazard.
However, some manufacturers also use anti-reflective coating for the glass surface of their panels as well.
What that means a higher level of reflective ability, in return more efficient solar PV system. You can invest in the anti-reflective coating as an additional layer on your solar panels surface, but also to protect your equipment.
Does rain affect the lifespan of your solar panel system?
The rain will not affect the lifespan of your solar panel system, as long as you maintain it properly and keep it clean.
Because water cannot reach anything inside the panel like cells and other electronic components as long as it is properly sealed by the manufacturer.