Do Solar Attic Fans Worth It?

All You Need To Know About Solar Attic Fans Are solar attic fans really worth installing considering the material costs and installation costs? What are the other hidden costs that are not visible when you purchase a solar attic fan? As homeowners, we cannot buy something in the market just because it says it has … Read more

How are solar panels used on boat docks?

Solar panels for boat docks If you frequently use a boat dock, you would agree that the more time you spend there, the more power you are going to consume. To save on cost and curb environmental pollution, fixing solar panels on your boat docks is a good consideration. [toc] Solar panels can be installed … Read more

Concentrating solar power using magnifying glasses

How does solar power magnification work? As a consumer, we always strive for getting the best out of our purchases. Things are pretty much the same in solar panels as the consumers want the maximum efficiency out of their solar setup. For this reason, the solar manufacturing companies are introducing advanced technology in the solar … Read more

Complete Guide for Solar Electric Fence Chargers

Solar Powered Electric Fence Chargers What is a solar fence charger? One of the simplest ways to protect farm animals or our property is to install a low-wattage electric fence. However, we will need a charger to keep that form charged and ready at all times. [toc] Solar fence chargers are a great way to … Read more

Micro inverters vs Central inverters in solar power systems

Comparing Micro inverters with Central inverters Introduction The basic function of an inverter is to convert the direct current generated by solar panels into alternating current. It performs operational functions more than any other PV system component. It is the most complicated component of a home’s solar system and it’s also the first to fail … Read more

Can You Walk On Solar Panels?

Is it safe to walk on solar panels? Solar panels are not designed to be walked on. Walking on them can cause the glass surface to break and damage the cells beneath, reducing the efficiency of your system. In North America, the average adult human weighs around 180 pounds, which translates to 90 pounds of … Read more

What Kind of Glass Solar Panels are Made Of?

Glass Used In Solar Panel Manufacturing If you’re looking to purchase new solar panels for your home or business then make sure to choose one that’s right for your needs! Remember that not all glasses are created equal so do some research before making your decision. We hope this article answers any questions you may … Read more

Do Solar Panels Cause Global Warming?

Impact of solar panels on Global Warming We know that fossil fuels cause global warming by emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases. But what about solar panels, which are promoted intensively for producing clean, renewable energy. Here is what to know about solar panels’ contribution to global warming. [toc] Solar panels don’t cause global warming because … Read more

Why is silicon used in solar panel manufacturing?

Why is silicon used for making solar cells? Silicon is very often used in solar panels as a semiconductor because it is a cost-efficient material that offers good energy efficiency. Other than that it has high corrosion resistance, long-term durability, optimal thermal expansion properties, good photoconductivity, and low toxicity. Silicon exists in nature abundantly so … Read more

Can an EMP or Solar Flares Damage Solar Power Systems?

EMP or Solar Flares: Do they cause any damage? Solar panels are safe from nuclear electromagnetic pulses (EMP)s or solar flares with the exception of their diodes. However, these events may pose risks to the functionality of the components like the inverter, controller, and battery bank. In this post, we will discuss; [toc] What is … Read more