Do Solar Panels Attract Lightning Strikes?

Lightning Strikes & How To Protect Solar Arrays? Are you wondering if solar panels attract lightning strikes? Let me answer the question immediately. Neither solar panels nor the metal racking of the panels attracts lightning. Many people assume having electrical equipment installed on the rooftop makes their houses perfect targets for strikes. But there is … Read more

Will Solar Panels Work During a Power Outage?

Can solar panels provide energy during the power outages? People often think installing a PV system is like installing a power production plant that works all the time, no matter what. However, this assumption is not correct. Because there are no guarantees your solar power system will power your home every day all year. Power … Read more

Parallel or Series: Solar Panel Wiring Explained

Should you wire solar panels in parallel or series? Should you wire solar panels in parallel or series? 💡Choose parallel wiring when: 💡Choose series wiring when: Factors 🟢 Parallel Wiring 🔵 Series Wiring ⚡ Power Output Consistency ✔️ Voltage remains consistent ✔️ Higher voltage output 🎛️ Charge Controller Compatibility ✔️ Works with PWM controllers ✔️ … Read more

Can Solar Panels Be Recycled? (Answered & Solved)

Is it possible to recycle solar panels? Solar panels can be recycled, but there is a catch to it. The solar cells are made of silicon wafers and other semiconductors, which makes them difficult to recycle with regular recycling methods. Each component should be separated from the others and disposed of appropriately. [toc] The components … Read more

How to transport solar panels safely?

The best tips for transporting solar panels safe and securely When you want to transport solar panels you have multiple options for handling the transportation. Your options will primarily depend on the size and amount of panels you want to order. If you buy solar panels most solar retailers offer free shipping to your doorstep. … Read more

Low voltage disconnects for solar PV systems

How to choose a LVD for solar PV? The low voltage disconnects, or LVD as it’s also known, is a device that protects your batteries from being ruined by discharging too much. They are designed to cut off the current supply when it can no more sustain a certain level of voltage. [toc] The LVD … Read more

Should You Oversize your PV Array?

Is it good to oversize a solar PV Array? What is Oversizing PV Array? Oversizing PV arrays involve installing a rated DC power that is larger than an inverter’s AC output. Oversizing can be valuable for system designers seeking to deliver maximum energy at the lowest possible specific cost, but there are important factors worth … Read more

How to evaluate your home for Solar PV Potential?

Is your home good for solar PV? If you are considering purchasing a grid-tied photovoltaic solar system (GTPV) for your home or business, this post will provide the basic information that you need to know. More and more people are starting to show an increased interest in grid-tied PV (GTPV) systems as they offer reliable, … Read more

Are Solar Power Banks Worth It?

Should you have solar power bank? How have solar power banks become so popular? They’re rising in popularity because they are sustainable, portable, and powerful. These devices offer a green future with the convenience of modern tech; it’s no wonder these items seem to be popping up everywhere you go. Solar power banks are worth … Read more

Solar-Powered Water Fountains: Are They any good?

All To Know About Solar-Powered Water Fountains What is a Solar-Powered Water Fountain? The Solar-Powered Water Fountain is a water fountain that relies on solar power to function. It is a self-sustaining fountain that requires no electricity or other energy sources to operate and saves money by not needing anyone to maintain it for hours … Read more